Driving rewards to open source repos with a market of AIs as the engine and humans as the steering wheel.
The model(s) best aligning with jury spot checks distribute funds across the dependency graph.
A data layer mapping all contributions to an ecosystem
An open contest to crowdsource the relative value between contributions
A jury to express preferences on a randomly selected set of contributions
End Goal: Submit 15,000 weights to the Ethereum dependency graph
Seed Node vs Seed Node
Develop an allocator model assigning weights to 34 source repos (seed nodes) with the target repo of Ethereum
Seed Node vs Child Node
Develop an allocator model determining the portion of funds staying with seed nodes vs passed on to dependencies
Child Node vs Child Node
Develop an allocator model assigning weights to over 5000 dependencies (child nodes) with the target repo of 34 seed nodes
The task of submitters is to give edge weights such that
A + B + C + D = 1 {Level 1: fund the farm}
to open source repos based on weights given by winning models
to winning models and knowledge sharing in the contest such as datasets, open source models & other infra
Challenge: Seed Node vs Seed Node
Jury Selection: By nomination only
Challenge: Seed Node v Child Node
Jury Selection: By nomination or invtation only
Challenge: Child Node v Child Node
Jury Selection: By nomination or application
Apply to be a juror here